Looking to banish your bloating? Has diarrhea or constipation become your normal? Looking to get your tummy troubles under control? Welcome to A Functional Medicine Healing! Our nurse practitioner, Heather Flanagan, has a special interest in gut health in the functional medicine world. She believes disease begins in the gut…as such she focuses on assessing and healing your gut microbiome. Gut health impacts everything from skin conditions, autoimmunity, weight loss, hormone balance, thyroid health, and so much more. 

What is Gut Health? Understanding the Causes of Digestive issues.

Disease Begins in the Gut:

Do you suffer from bloating? How about frequent constipation, diarrhea, or abdominal cramping?
You likely have an imbalance in your gut called dysbiosis which can lead to the above miserable tummy troubles. The good news is a simple, GI map stool test can uncover the root cause of your symptoms. This at home stool test offers insights into your gut health such as yeast overgrowth, bacterial overgrowth, parasite infections, gluten sensitivity, poor gut immune health, and a variety of other common gut conditions. 
The issue with gut health is that many of those suffering from poor gut health will not have GI related symptoms. So, how do you know if your symptoms could be gut related? 
Do you have skin issues like acne or rosacea? Achy joints or muscle pain? Frequent headaches? worsening anxiety/ depression? Difficulty sleeping? Hormonal imbalance with mood swings / heavy periods / irritability? 
The root cause of your symptoms could be the gut! As a functional medicine office we believe Disease Begins in the Gut. We start with a GI Map stool test to give us a complete picture of your gut health. Your GI map results will provide us with the results we need to begin healing your gut and giving you rapid symptom relief. 
Are you ready to get started on your gut health journey? book a consultation today. 

How We Help with GUT Health:

At A Functional Medicine Healing, we handle GUT Health in a thorough way. Instead of just fixing what’s showing on the surface, we dig deeper to find out what’s really causing your tummy problems. We use functional medicine to do this. It helps us give you the right treatment that fits you perfectly. 

This way, we’re not just treating the symptoms, we’re getting to the heart of the issue to help you feel better for the long haul. At our clinic, we have the best functional medicine provider ready to help you with your tummy troubles.

Why Choose A Functional Medicine Healing?

  1. Customized Care: We know everyone is different. That’s why we spend time listening to you and making special plans just for you.
  2. Whole-Person Approach: We care about all of you – not just your tummy. We look at everything that might be causing your tummy troubles, including how you feel inside and out.
  3. Experienced Functional Medicine NP: Our NP is certified in functional medicine and is very knowledgeable about gut health. She’s helped many people with all sorts of tummy troubles. 
  4. Learning Together: We want you to know about your health. We’ll teach you what you need to know and give you tips to keep feeling good.

BIOME Fx Gut Test

A thorough stool test that evaluates the diversity and balance of the gut microbiome is the BIOME FX Gut Test. It offers information on immune system and digestive health by identifying both good and bad bacteria, fungus, and parasites. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), digestive efficiency, and inflammatory markers are all measured by this test. This test provides individualised dietary and lifestyle suggestions, making it ideal for anyone with digestive problems, chronic diseases, or those looking to improve their overall health. It offers a thorough report that helps pinpoint imbalances and solutions for better gut health and general wellbeing through the use of cutting-edge DNA sequencing.

Schedule an Appointment:

Are you ready to take control of your digestive health? Schedule an appointment with our Gastroenterologist at A Functional Medicine Healing, Medical Center in Riverview, Florida. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey to wellness.

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